The hardest part about the internship is teh waiting around - Yesterday I was at the house till 4pm waiting on the Carrie's car to get fixed - I was able to call everyone and check in with Brent Brewer about internship stuff. Then we went for a walk in some shops - I got the cutest cards to send to some people. Then I offended a shopkepper - I compared prices out loud - a major no no. I felt horrible and Carrie even spoke to me about it -I said I know I know...Then was home group which was actually really good - I like it a lot. Today I am leaving for my first New Zealand roadtrip - should have alot to write about then. I call home this morning to find out that my lil sister passed out yesterday and fell on her face - it was so deep you could see her skull...she broke her nose, scratched her skull and cut her face from eyebrow to eye brow...I feel so bad for her - mom says the got a plastic surgen but the scaring should still be nasty - Kristen's all upset ad refuses to see anyone or go to school - she says she's a monster (she's 15) I just am praying that its isn't too bad - kinda hard when you are't there to see it- I can only image what its' like - huh I am kinda upset by this all - I never cry but I find myself chockig back the tears right now. I guess I am lonely here right now - all I have is carrie and she doesn't even know me very well right now...I feel like I am in a box and I can't breathe or express who I am - ahh teh joys of overseas missions. I know that this willpass and God will place friends and people to build relationships with in my path - I just have never been very good at waiting on God. Ohh I am reading Blue Like Jazz - its amazing - I ca't put it down. It is all about this guy's walk with God and how non Christians see Christianity but not - it has so many layers --- possibly one of my favorite books ever.
True confessions of a scatterbrain
Communion: An intimate relationship with deep understanding. -Websters Dictionary
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