So I was in charge of devos...I did this cool thing with candles outside the dorm. well this girl poked her head out her window and was all like is someone getting engaged...All I could do is laugh...we are so focused on getting married her at good olde JBC...I quickly corrected her and was all like no its for a devo and she was like its soooo romantic. I will admit it went really well tonight...we prayed prayers from this awesome is collection of prayers from ancient Christian writers to modern day Christian good. Other than that I am sunburned. It reminds me of Beatrice from Shakespeare's Much Ado About it she said remarks about being sunburned:
Good Lord, for alliance! Thus goes every one to the world but I, and I am sunburnt; I may sit in a corner and cry heigh-ho for a husband!
I am in no way in want of a husband right now - so not ready. Isn't that funny when I was a freshman I was all ready to be married and now I am all like ahhh not ready yet.
Now I Much Ado about Nothing is prehaps on of my fav Shakespeare plays - you can rent it...soo good. For real Beatrice is my favorite Female Shakespeare character and I absolutely love Bendict (The guy she hooks up with) I guess I want my love to be like theirs - on of my ideals if you will.
Good Lord, for alliance! Thus goes every one to the world but I, and I am sunburnt; I may sit in a corner and cry heigh-ho for a husband!
I am in no way in want of a husband right now - so not ready. Isn't that funny when I was a freshman I was all ready to be married and now I am all like ahhh not ready yet.
Now I Much Ado about Nothing is prehaps on of my fav Shakespeare plays - you can rent it...soo good. For real Beatrice is my favorite Female Shakespeare character and I absolutely love Bendict (The guy she hooks up with) I guess I want my love to be like theirs - on of my ideals if you will.
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