Do you ever have a night where you just go from one dream to another. That was my night last night. First I dreamed I was back in was a beautiful and yet sad dream. It is so funny that I want to go back so bad this summer and yet I know I can't. I felt like it was home in my dream and yet when I was there I had a very hard time. I also had a dream I was rooming with Michelle. That was a crazy dream...There was loud music and random people playing cameo roles. It was a fun dream. Then I had a bad dream that my mom had a terminal illness...yeah who dreams those kind of dreams. So I woke up all upset and almost in tears...not fun. Then my last dream of the night was a makeout dream...I will not say who but it was pleasant dream...nothing really bad happened we just madeout...I woke up from that saying huhh where in the world did that one come from. Funny how dreams are...
True confessions of a scatterbrain
Communion: An intimate relationship with deep understanding. -Websters Dictionary
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