I changed my bl;og all by myself - I hope I did it right. I like the new look - I feel all artsy and cool - like I am writing some great poetry or a calassic novel...But no its just me and my thoughts. Well this week has been sooo crazy here in New Zealand. It has been better much better. I don't want to run home anymore - which is good. I am making friends here - yeah and meeting people my age. On Monday night I taught Engish to 9 Japenese guys - it was really fun. They cooked dinner for us and I ate beef tongue and liked it. I started work on the Church's library here - it is a mess and one of it is in a computer well now it is because I have been wokring my booty off - I am like 1/4 of the way through it all. I also had small group for the first time - I love it so much...it was like yeah I found a place to belong. I wet out with the girls on wednesday night - sooo much fun. We talked about everything and I was able to be myself. It was great fun - I laughed so much. Then on Thursaday night I was able todo a Bible study with Jenny, a Chinese woman, that Carrie has been working with. It is really exciting becasue she is on the brink of acceptig Christ and I get to see and be a part of it. I really like Jenny a lot we have a lot in common. Today I have the day off becasue tonight is the all-nighter. It has been wonderful to be a bum all day...a productive bum. I have cleaned the house quite a bit and the trash pit that has been my room. I am so excited about tonight and I hope the kids like me - they like my accent but I want them to see Christ in me. God is really providing for me and I have just been finding my place - and learning and adjusting. I am glad that I have come and I am getting excited about the summer - 2 weeks later. 8 weeks to go - woder what all could happen...maybe a first date - dare to dream Corey.
True confessions of a scatterbrain
Communion: An intimate relationship with deep understanding. -Websters Dictionary
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